Mailbox-View shows all configured mail accounts with the number of new emails as well as
the total amount of of emails.
Mailbox-View key mapping
MailList-View shows a list of mails of an account with status flags, subject and sender.
MailList-View key mapping
Mail-View displays a mail with subject sender, date/time and mail text. The color keys
green and yellow are used to jump to the next / previous new mail.
Mail-View with alternative key mapping to set/clear the status flags.
The basic settings are available in the main configuration page of the plugin. Additionally new mail
accounts can be configured, modified or deleted and the order can be changed.
Essential configuration data can be modified within the general settings plugin page.
Configuration of an IMAP account: Access to the setup view is protected by a numerical code.
The account is periodically checked and new mail is displayed with a status message as well as
in the menu entry of the plugin.
Selection of an IMAP account folder.
Access to a folder can be checked within the folder selection and in the configuration display.
Configuration of a POP3 account without access protection and periodic update.
Display of the communication log on the OSD.